Water is Life

Water is life
Nothing can exist on earth without water, climate change and global warming are giving strength to an increasingly concrete problem: drought.
WaterMaker technology allows us to produce the highest quality drinking water by absorbing the humidity present in the air we breathe.
A system that transforms atmospheric water into drinkable water
bringing water where there is none means giving life

The water produced is enclosed in recyclable products without the use of plastic
AWG (air water generator) systems generate pure, fresh drinking water directly from the air we breathe thanks to 3 processes: condensation, purification and mineralization.

Attualmente WaterMaker ha depositato 3 brevetti "Per Modalità d'Utilizzo" identificabili con il numero 202021000002417, numero 202022000000041 e numero 202022000003117
(nominale: Paolo Cagliero - Creator).
Il Logo WaterMaker è stato depositato con pratica numero 302022000112209
WaterMaker ha ottenuto l'approvazione delle Nazioni Unite come "Fornitore Autorizzato" (attraverso la Capogruppo "Emirode General Trading LLC - Dubai, UAE").